Take a look at our

200% Guarantee

Your Satisfaction is Our Priority, So we have our

200% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are committed to providing our clients with the best inspection experience possible. If you are not 100% satisfied with our inspection after attending the entire inspection process with one of our inspectors, we will not only refund your money, but we will pay up to the same amount you paid us for another licensed certified inspector of your choice to do the inspection. We are that confident about our inspections.

We value our customers opinions and care about their satisfaction!

200% Satisfaction Guaranteed home inspections

But How Can We Offer This Guarantee?


With a good NAR website link who knows their way around a bargaining table, this can really lead to serious savings.


We take ample time to thoroughly go through the home from top to bottom. This also means our fees are more than most of our competitors. Cheap inspectors often know less and do less, or have an ulterior motive to make a profit, which is one reason why they’re cheap.

We know everything needs to work properly

There is peace of mind knowing that the home you are about to move into is working properly. Nook-n-Kranny home inspection can find those defects that allows you to have them repaired before you move in.